Balloon Kyphoplasty

This minimally invasive procedure can bring immediate pain relief for people suffering from spinal compression fractures.

Balloon Kyphoplasty is a way to treat painful compression fractures in the bones of the spine. A compression fracture occurs when all or part of a spinal bone collapses.

People with compression fractures can suffer from disabling pain that is often described as “sharp” or “knife-like.”

Kyphoplasty is done under conscious sedation. The physician inserts a balloon-like device to help restore the height and shape of the spine and then injects a substance similar to cement that quickly hardens and stabilizes the spine—which in turn relieves the pain. Many patients experience immediate relief from their pain and can reduce or eliminate their pain medication.

What are the symptoms of spinal compression fractures?

  1. Sudden onset of severe pain (many people can pinpoint the event that caused the pain and when the pain began.)

  2. The pain subsides when lying down

  3. Severe pain returns when you stand up after lying down and when walking or moving

If you think you are suffering from painful spinal fractures, call (888) 363-8333 to see if you are a candidate for Balloon Kyphoplasty.